Business Law Certificate Tracking Form

Business Law Certificate Tracking Form

Grade Requirements:
In order to be awarded the Business Law Certificate you must attain an average GPA no lower than 74 or 3.0 on the group of courses that you are using to meet the Certificate requirements.

The Business Law Certificate Tracking Form should be submitted to the Academic Programs Office no later than the end of drop/add week during your expected graduation term.

All courses that you plan to use to meet the requirements must be taken at the College of Law and must be taken for graded credit (except courses that are S/U only).

Plan Ahead:
Corporations, Taxation, and Closely Held Business Organizations are offered at least twice a year. Not all certificate courses are offered on a regular basis.

Please note that this form is for your personal reference and progress tracking. All final graduation checklists and GPA calculations for the Business Law Certificate will be completed at the end of your expected graduation term.